Sophie Flay
Sophie Flay is a community journalist for ABC7 covering stories in Silver Lake and adjacent communities. She officially joined the team in March 2019 after interning for ABC7.

Sophie attended the University of Southern California, where she currently teaches journalism. As a student, she worked for the TODAY Show, and the Olympics in Brazil and South Korea.

Sophie grew up in Connecticut but is thrilled to begin her career in sunny Los Angeles.

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ABC7 Broadcast Center
Attn: Sophie Flay
500 Circle Seven Drive
Glendale, CA 91201

Sophie's Stories
Dueños de 7-Eleven donan $1 millón a la campaña Prop 36 tras serie de robos descarados
A medida que las tiendas 7-Eleven siguen siendo blanco de olas de robos, algunos propietarios de tiendas están apoyando una propuesta en la votación de noviembre que haría que ese tipo de delitos graves.
LA 7-Eleven owners donate $1 million to Prop 36 campaign following series of flash mob robberies
As 7-Eleven stores across SoCal continue to be targeted by flash mob robbers, some store owners are backing a proposition on the November ballot that would make those type of crimes felonies.
What is Prop 34? What to know about the prescription drug revenue-spending measure
You may be familiar with Prop 33, the California ballot measure that focuses on expanding rent control, but what about Prop 34? To understand this proposition, you first need to understand how the two are connected.
Capturan a sospechoso tras presuntamente irrumpir a vivienda alquilada por 12 estudiantes de USC
"Ha estado aquí, y lo hemos visto antes, y lo hemos denunciado antes. Así que esto es lo que nos temíamos que iba a pasar -- y pasó".
Suspect captured after allegedly breaking into home rented out by 12 USC students near campus
"He's been here, and we've seen him before, and we've reported him before. So, this is what we were afraid was going to happen - and it did."
2 estudiantes de UCLA afirman haber sido drogadas en fiestas cerca del campus
Se lleva a cabo una investigación después de que dos estudiantes de UCLA dijeran que habían sido drogadas mientras asistían a varias fiestas cerca del campus, dijo la policía.
Investigation underway after 2 UCLA students say they were drugged at parties near campus
An investigation is underway after two UCLA students said they were drugged while attending several parties near campus, police announced.
Mujer y su amiga afirman que las echaron de un vuelo de Spirit Airlines por llevar tops cortos
Una mujer del sur de California y su amiga afirman que las echaron de un vuelo de Spirit Airlines por llevar tops cortos, y ahora acusan a la aerolínea de señalarlas y avergonzarlas.
SoCal woman and friend claim they were kicked off Spirit flight for wearing crop tops
A Southern California woman and her friend claim they were kicked off a Spirit Airlines flight for wearing crop tops, and they're now accusing the airline of singling them out.
Familia de luto por muerte de ávido motociclista atropellado en Lynwood; sospechoso sigue prófugo
Elijah Long murió después de que un coche girara delante de su motocicleta, y ahora su familia busca respuestas, con la esperanza de que el conductor se presente.